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The review of my 1.2W v2 rifle os up tomorrow!!


Did you ever write that review? It would be interesting to me.

Also there is something I do not understand with power ratings. If the voltage is 7,2VDC and the current it 1000 mA. How can that add up to 1100 mW? P=U*I (P=power in watts, U=voltage and I=current).
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When things are too good to be true.. they usually aren't true.

Though I call them 'chinese milliwatts'. Because well, they're apparently smaller than normal milliwatts. :D

And LPM's used to be scarce, but there are a few 'relatively cheap' hobbyist grade ones available now.
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When things are too good to be true.. they usually aren't true.

Though I call them 'chinese milliwatts'. Because well, they're apparently smaller than normal milliwatts. :D

And LPM's used to be scarce, but there are a few 'relatively cheap' hobbyist grade ones available now.

Ok, then I understand. It seems to be too good to be true :)
