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FrozenGate by Avery

Lazerer: 532nm 500mW green laser.


Nov 25, 2010
Hi guys.

So it's been a while since I've posted...
My first laser was a ~10mw green laser from ebay.
Then I bought a ~1200mw blue laser from a member on this forum.
I believe his name jayrob or something.

If anyone can remember: he posted a youtube video proving the blue laser could light up a magazine by licking the paper first to show there were no chemicals on it so it burned by the raw power of his laser :)

But sadly my 10mw green laser died a while ago :(

The blue laser still works to this day and burns almost everything.
I'm still very happy with it.

However one thing I noticed is that the green laser is more visible to the eye when pointing out objects that are really far away.
While the blue laser has more burning power, it doesn't even get half as far compared to the green one.

So I decided to buy a new green laser.
After browsing the "Companies" section for a while I came to the conclusion that Lazerer has by far the cheapest 532nm green lasers.
Look here for example: LZCR - 532nm 500mW High Power DPSS Green Laser Pointer
That's almost half the price compared to most other shops.
Also most negative comments are about longer shipping times.

So did anyone try this particular model?
Any advice before I should get one?

Seems to me ... I mean ... just saying, but why would you not go back to jay rob? He has the best rep you can attain around here and he'll do right by you. Search his threads. He's got more stuff to look at than you can grasp in an evening of hard reading. :D

Well if you are looking for 532nm then yes you pretty much have to buy from a company. If you do buy that I would be happy to LPM it for you so you can know what the real power of it is.
Yes, my account still exists.. maybe I only communicated with jayrob by PM back then...
Like I said it's been a while.

So 450~500mw for $319,99.
Any idea why Lazerer can provide such prices compared to other companies selling >400mw green lasers for like ~$500?
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no safety features, quality can be iffy, had a bunch of lasers arrive DOA, etc....

do a search on the forum for lazerer and you will see
True, but it would be most bang for buck I guess.
O-Like sells it even cheaper: : Powerful Crown upgrade 500mW green laser

Their page says >450mw but according to many reviews they're moslty underspec.
Also they don't give the option to provide a power certificate like Lazerer does.

I think chances are big they'll ship a unit that provides less 450mw..
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Yes, my account still exists.. maybe I only communicated with jayrob by PM back then...
Like I said it's been a while.

So 450~500mw for $319,99.
Any idea why Lazerer can provide such prices compared to other companies selling >400mw green lasers for like ~$500?

Easy, mass manufactured in China with iffy quality ,shady payment methods , poor QC , often underspecs and lacking in the FDA compliant 5 points safety mechanism .

If you look closely you can see that Lazerer claimed that the output of their lasers will not be 20% LOWER than the stated output in the specification, so chances are .. it might be underspecs when they start using such wordings.
And even with a power certificate , when people actually LPM it with an OPHIR 20C , they'll still ship underspec lasers.

Lazerers used to be a good company.
Pumping loads of highly economical and overspecs lasers.
But then , as with most Chinese manufacturers , once they've made a name for itself . They think they can start ripping the customers off without affecting their sales. (Look at Wicked Lasers)
So I'll probably stay away from them for the time being.

CLARIFY : I have NOT purchased from Lazerer before but I was persuaded not to after reading the various reviews on LPF.
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ive purchased from lazerer and it ended up fine. i recommended them to people for a while and then they went south so i stopped recommending them. in the end its your choice and idk if id trust their LPM anymore. mine metered by them was 108mW peak with 14mW of IR. when i tested it, it did 127mW peak with 40-50mW of IR. i was pissed when i saw that much IR since max told me it did 14mW and the graph showed this as well. now it could be my IR filter is bad but im in the process of buying a new one to test this
