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FrozenGate by Avery

Lasers in Australia?

May 13, 2012
Really want a good laser but anything over 1MW is illegal :cryyy: does anybody know where to get them or who to get then off?

Build your own.

There are many kits and parts available from members in this forum

Really want a good laser but anything over 1MW is illegal :cryyy: does anybody know where to get them or who to get then off?

You know, I always wondered if Aus customs enforcers would be legally allowed to join here and track our IP's just to catch us later down the track?

Welcome to the forum. Here you will be able to find much information on companies that will ship anywhere and instructions on how to build a laser yourself. There is much to learn but as long as you're willing to do some of the work yourself we'll tollerate you here :p

It is possible to have them imported, but as you said, it's very illegal. If your package gets confiscated, the first time will net you a warning and the consequences for being caught with a laser in your possession are much more severe.

You need to decide whether the risk is worth it for you.

Whether you build it or import it, the risk is the same.

There is certainly nothing stopping them from registering an account here

We know that the FDA checks out the forum

However, they would have to petition for your IP

Build your own.

There are many kits and parts available from members in this forum


I would love the challenge of building one for myself! I just need to have a look around to find out how and where to get the parts. It's a shame how a few people can wreck it for everyone with lasers... Eg. Shooting them at planes... I just want one cos I like lasers, lol.:thanks:
You are allowed lasers over 1mW, just not portable ones (ie battery operated and hand held). You can either go the "lab laser" route and build mains powered ones, or you can take the risks. It would certainly be foolish to carry them around with you in public.

First thing, get yourself some protection glasses for the wavelength you are interested in. I have two that cover pretty well everything from UV to (almost) infra red.

So far, I haven't had anything confiscated but I have heard of people who have. I haven't bought a complete laser pointer into the country since 2007 but lots of parts. Best bet is to buy the laser diodes, CD burner sleds, or modules with drivers. You can fit them into an "ultrafire" type torch host, or get mains powered lab style modules for them.

If you have even basic soldering skills you can put everything together yourself, search the forums and you will find what you need to know. For a beginner I would suggest buying an LPC-815 (red) or PHR-803 (violet) "sled" (for a CD or Bluray player) for $6 on ebay. Drivers to suit (search for how many mA each diode can safely handle) are $5 to $30. A heatsink or module to house the diode will cost you $5 to $30 and a suitable torch (if you want hand held) will cost $5-$10.

As long as you aren't stupid and don't point it at cars, people or aircraft you should be OK. They picked someone up in Melbourne last year for shining a laser at the police chopper, the pilot pin pointed him on the FLIR camera, found the house, and a police car was there in 6 minutes.
Yes building is the best way, followed by importing in bits, but there is a risk in that.

The best way not to get caught is to keep it indoors and don't shine it out of windows.

If you must use it outdoors, do it way out bush (e.g. camping trip) away from civilation and airplane flight paths. Whatever you do dont carry it on your person in public. The police have a right to search on reasonable grounds if they suspect you have a laser pointer of questionable power in your posession. Remember, guilty until proven innocent in this country :P

Whatever you buy (pointer, lab, home made), get suitable goggles for it :)
Hah yeah that's just all common sense I guess... Do you knOw were to get any?
Yes building is the best way, followed by importing in bits, but there is a risk in that.

The best way not to get caught is to keep it indoors and don't shine it out of windows.

If you must use it outdoors, do it way out bush (e.g. camping trip) away from civilation and airplane flight paths. Whatever you do dont carry it on your person in public. The police have a right to search on reasonable grounds if they suspect you have a laser pointer of questionable power in your posession. Remember, guilty until proven innocent in this country :P

Whatever you buy (pointer, lab, home made), get suitable goggles for it :)
