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FrozenGate by Avery

Laserpointerpro cheapo high powereds?

See the "what companies to buy from' thread. LPP are a bunch of shameless scamming assclowns. In your link they are LITERALLY selling a $8 ebay laser 301 for $80. A fair and balanced 1000% markup in price.
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These 301/303 pointers are all <100mW, some maybe make it to ~140mW, but that's rare. Do some searching using the search bar at the bottom of the forum and check out the thread Razako suggested above.
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Git rid of one 0 in each of those power outputs and you'd be closer to what you are really getting! :)

What everyone else said above.

The $8 laser your link goes to says price is $1769 @ 95% off $79.99--- 5% of $1769 is $88.45--even their the math is bogus. :crackup:

Laserpointerpro is just another one of thousands of Chinese laser reseller web sites misrepresenting every product they resell + charging absurd prices for junk lasers attemping to rip off/cheat people who don't know any better by means of deception and misrepresentation.
There isn't anything on the laserpointerpro web site that is represented honestly/accurately or worth buying at the prices they charge.
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And, of course, all of their paid reviews make it all look official. Thanks, guys!
