ok, since nobody else is interested in this thread i wanne make sth clear 2u:
1. dont just advice [advise] me to buy a better hl or pl after i received it in my hands [a LP laser]. this is nonsense in this thread [this is nonsense that we suggest answers to your questions?]. consider that i made my thoughts about them but eventually went for that pen.
2. iam not judging laserbtb nor wicked quality or selling tactics. but iam holding both pens in my hands and definitely can tell which switch! build quality is better. i asked this several times here and didnt get even a roper answer from those who own it... now i know. [where did you ask owners of the LP laser prior to buying it?]
for sb skillful enough to build his own lasers, u could have written sth. more helpful... [I did post something very helpful but you decided to be defensive and shrug it off. Ill give you one more shot before i completely ignore all future questions. Dont be disrespectful of members who are helping you out......thats a good way to get banned]
never mind...[then why did you post it?]
I can give you advice all I want, i mean you are the one who posted a question so obviously you were seeking advice. I'd also ADVISE you not to buy WL products (it really helps when you use the proper words as well since I cant advice you

). Using horrible English just makes you look unintelligent or like a young kid.
Also if you are on a phone its best not to type long posts. I was on a phone when i posted my above statement but I took the time to properly type everything out since im going out of my way to help give you advice that you asked for.
I will agree that the WL (as long as you are talking about Evo E2) has a solid feeling host and button but then again; you can polish a turd but its still a turd :na: Ive owned a Evo E2 and while it was rated at "75mW" it put out an astonishing 30mW. This brings me back to my you can polish a turd scenario. They put questionable parts inside a "fancy" host so it looks quality but take it apart and you have average parts.
Now going to LaserBtb, CNI, LG, etc....... They use quality parts and put them in less "stunning" hosts but in the end they are better products. However you are complaining about a "crappy button" so as i suggested above, you should contact Kevin and get a replacement laser since they shouldn't be like this. You also cant tell me that the packaging wasnt abused, you posted a picture and we all can clearly see it is crumpled, dented and pieced together which IS NOT characteristic of LaserBtb. Everyone else gets their lasers in nicely packaged boxes or envelopes.
Now you can take my ADVICE or you can ignore it but just remember, YOU joined this community looking for help/advice and YOU posted this question. Im just trying to help YOU out by answering YOUR question. If you are going to get defensive and rude when someone tries to help you then this is not the place for you.
What's is with all of the abbreviations? Just type normally. If you are on a phone then you should wait to get home from school to type...
Be respectful. Livinloud knows more than you and I will ever know, and he is a being a heck of alot more helpful than you give him credit for.
Be respectful or you won't be helped.
This is your warning.
+2 for you kind sir :beer: