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FrozenGate by Avery

Laserbtb hl-532 50mw focusing question

Mar 24, 2015
Greetings everybody!
I have been lurking the forums for quite a few years now and just have recently bought my first laser and laser goggles. I bought the laserbtb hl-532 50mw and I just had one question about the focusing knob. When I turn the knob outwards (clockwise when holding the pointer with the beam pointing away from me) so the base gets lengthened the beam should become wider correct? I am wondering if I got a defect because when I turn the focusing knob I am not seeing any change in beam focus. If anyone can comment about there handheld model that would greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Oh and one other question, if I turn the knob completely extending it fully will it become loose? Thanks again!
Please post some before and after pictures. It will be easier to see that way.
if you turn it out, it will make a point (somewhere along the beam) that is like a pinpoint, very small, and best for burning, and past that point the beam will expand so you end up with a large dot (assuming its not near the focused point along the beam). the further out you turn it, the closer the focused point will be from the aperture of the laser (and the dot will be larger at a distance), so you can burn things up close. the focusing-thing does stop, so theres no worries about over focusing it and making the end fall off.

hope this is actually what you were asking about.
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