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FrozenGate by Avery

Laserbtb 500mW

Jun 5, 2012
Hi guys! i've been lurking around the forums for about a week or so and i'm very interested in buying a 500mW green laser pointer. I have a set or safety glases from survival laser and i am VERY aware of the dangers of the laser. I'm just woundering. When purchasing, what payment method is the best? The quickest safest and easiest? I've searched and i couldn't find anything about it so that's why im asking you guys :) Hopefully some one here has bought from them before and could help me or give me some advises. And please dont tell me to buy a 1W blue or something else instead. I've been told this a lot of times when i've asked other questions about high powered green lasers. I've owned a lot of high powered lasers before so i'm not that much of a noob when it comes to lasers :D

Cheers, thatbaldguy

I would say paying by Credit Card is the fastest method around. As soon as you hit that "purchase" button the *receiver/company* gets the payment instantly and the laser starts to make its way to you :)
LPF just did a group buy from here and it went great. All lasers were overspec . I would personally use Paypal . But if you look at everyone signature , I think 80 % of us have lasers from them . :) good luck. I'm sure you'll have a great experience long with the rest of us.
LPF just did a group buy from here and it went great. All lasers were overspec . I would personally use Paypal . But if you look at everyone signature , I think 80 % of us have lasers from them . :) good luck. I'm sure you'll have a great experience long with the rest of us.

Yeah while browsing their site i could only find paypal as an option, i think i will go for that! And thank you! :)
I used paypal, no worries i transfer the amount of money im gonna spend from bank account, i dont want my credit card linked there.
I used paypal, no worries i transfer the amount of money im gonna spend from bank account, i dont want my credit card linked there.

That is actually a smart idea :thinking: I think im going to start doing that as well on websites that use PayPal as a payment method.

Thanks mortuus :beer:
I always use PayPal cards and only load enough for my next purchase. Yeah it costs an extra $4 but if a problem happens there's only enough in the account to cover the purchase. My account stays at $1 till I decide to buy something. If I ever get hacked there's nothing to lose.

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I always use PayPal cards and only load enough for my next purchase. Yeah it costs an extra $4 but if a problem happens there's only enough in the account to cover the purchase. My account stays at $1 till I decide to buy something. If I ever get hacked there's nothing to lose.

Sent from my HTCEVODesign4G using Tapatalk

Another quick question, when ordering. Do you recive the package at your doorstep or something like that? Or at local post office? Sorry for being such a retard. I'm just very conscious before purchasing anything. and VERY insecure :yabbem: Don't know why. I just am....

And CAN you ship to a nearby post office?
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You get it at your door. Don't worry about it. If more people where like that, they wouldn't have to cry about problems AFTER they order.
