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FrozenGate by Avery


Jun 17, 2015
Any ideas as to how much voltage the 303 diode might handle? Im currently running mine on 6 volts, via 2x energizer lithium 3volt. Very bright, but seems okay, put a few sets through to date

Any ideas as to how much voltage the 303 diode might handle? Im currently running mine on 6 volts, via 2x energizer lithium 3volt. Very bright, but seems okay, put a few sets through to date

Why are you posting essentially the same question you posted here: http://laserpointerforums.com/f36/laser303-94090.html

There is no such thing as a 303 diode--- 303 is the metal host/housing-LAser 303s come in a variety of wavelenghts--see here and read the spec as to correct battery for whch ever one you have Laser 303 Best Deals + Free Shipping | GearBest.com
Why are you posting essentially the same question you posted here: http://laserpointerforums.com/f36/laser303-94090.html

There is no such thing as a 303 diode--- 303 is the metal host/housing-LAser 303s come in a variety of wavelenghts--see here and read the spec as to correct battery for whch ever one you have Laser 303 Best Deals + Free Shipping | GearBest.com

Probably because no one gave him the attention he was seeking for lol. also, I'm not sure that anyone would ask a question such as this on LPF when we have things like google and sites alike.
Searching through GearBest on their offerings they don't show which battery to use on the majority of their numerous 303 listings, but a few do. One says 2 X 18650, another says "3.6 VDC battery" and another a single 18650..... My bet is they are designed to use a single 18650 and the one listing which shows 2 X 18650 batteries is in error.

I have a pointer much like this with what I believe is the same diode and driver, it works the same using a single 18650, two 3 VDC lithiums or two 18350 4.2 VDC batteries @8.4 VDC total, although I'm probably pushing it with that much voltage. I believe it is designed for a single 18650 at 4.2 VDC fully charged and the driver is set to produce the same amount of current to the diode regardless of the input voltage, that is what they are designed to do to keep from over driving the diode and killing it. I measured the output power on mine using a LPM and found the output power does not change with any combination of the above mentioned batteries, as long as I give it 3.7 VDC, probably even a bit lower.

All in all from what I can find, my recommendation is to use a single 18650 if that is the right physical size, which I believe it is. I don't blame him for asking, there is too much conflicting information on Gearbest alone. Someone told him he posted his first post on this question in the wrong section, so he took their advice and posted here. That said, we have at least one individual who keeps coming to the forum under numerous new names, often a fishy name, if you get my drift, and tries to rile members by posting in the wrong section or asking questions they might be able to google just as easily etc., in general just trying to provoke members to respond negatively. The troll he has become was upset when banned and because of being unable to reconcile the issue within himself, is now seeking to upset others, poor dude is still mad at the forum. Doesn't mean this particular guy isn't legit though, fishy or not, so I answered.
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