Apparently the lower the wavelength the brighter the colour, therefore if this particular laser in NOT functioning at its rated nm, but in actual fact something in the construction is making it function slightly higher in wavelength, then that would result in a darker shade of red.
I've also read that around the 650nm mark it's orange going into red, or already red but going further into red? {eye probly can't actually pick up on that fine line colour change between orange/red, or red as it moves further into red maybe} therefore this particular laser may be operating slightly higher than it's rated 650nm, which would make it shift more in the red or a darker red in the colour spectrum and as a consequence the eye can't pick up that backscatter as clearly from the particles in solution.
Upon changing batteries I CAN observe a faint Tyndall effect, this is why I asked if lasers either work or not work below some current threshold, apparently not, well unless the batteries are dead praps, so this is leading me to believe this laser may not be operating at the aforesaid 650nm. From what I have gleaned from the internet, the only way I could find out is to involve other instrumentation and/or equipment to check that lasers wavelength. This of course would be getting even further out of my depth so I won't bother with this laser anymore, I'll just put it away and use one of my other ones.
Thanks for everyones help though, I'm well aware how foolish one appears, and that it's painful when some dumb**** starts asking questions about stuff they have no idea about, but then that's pretty much the only way we learn, we can't all be clever can we? some are 'less cleverer' than others, or in this case, 'a lot less cleverer' {grin}
As I stated earlier, I know less than nothing about electronics, this laser just threw me a curve ball of which I felt a need to get a better understand of.
Just in conclusion because you mentioned 'pulsing', what would I observe if a laser starts to 'pulse'? Does that mean it sort of 'flashes' on and off instead of a continuous emission of light?
I've also read that around the 650nm mark it's orange going into red, or already red but going further into red? {eye probly can't actually pick up on that fine line colour change between orange/red, or red as it moves further into red maybe} therefore this particular laser may be operating slightly higher than it's rated 650nm, which would make it shift more in the red or a darker red in the colour spectrum and as a consequence the eye can't pick up that backscatter as clearly from the particles in solution.
Upon changing batteries I CAN observe a faint Tyndall effect, this is why I asked if lasers either work or not work below some current threshold, apparently not, well unless the batteries are dead praps, so this is leading me to believe this laser may not be operating at the aforesaid 650nm. From what I have gleaned from the internet, the only way I could find out is to involve other instrumentation and/or equipment to check that lasers wavelength. This of course would be getting even further out of my depth so I won't bother with this laser anymore, I'll just put it away and use one of my other ones.
Thanks for everyones help though, I'm well aware how foolish one appears, and that it's painful when some dumb**** starts asking questions about stuff they have no idea about, but then that's pretty much the only way we learn, we can't all be clever can we? some are 'less cleverer' than others, or in this case, 'a lot less cleverer' {grin}
As I stated earlier, I know less than nothing about electronics, this laser just threw me a curve ball of which I felt a need to get a better understand of.
Just in conclusion because you mentioned 'pulsing', what would I observe if a laser starts to 'pulse'? Does that mean it sort of 'flashes' on and off instead of a continuous emission of light?