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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser safety glasses

Apr 17, 2013
This is my first post, so yay.

I apologize if any of these questions are stupid or repetitive.... I just really want to make sure my eyes will be safe.

I am planning to work with 405-532nm lasers, ≤2W. I want to know if these goggles are suitable for those kinds of lasers.....
Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Slip Over Laser Safety Goggles

I am fairly new to lasers, but I have some knowledge. My only really experience is a 200mW green one I got. But I have read a ton of stuff about them. I'd really like to get into them, so I appreciate all your help :thanks:

Welcome to the forums :wave:

Yes those safety goggles will be fine, they're very good goggles actually :)

Don't worry about sounding stupid or repetitive, better safe than sorry!

The Eagle pair are great goggles at a reasonable price. You can find cheaper, but these are good.
I own that same pair myself.

BTW - Don't forget to introduce yourself in the welcome section.
