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Laser Pointer not working on some screens

May 25, 2007
Hi everyone,

Ive just found this website through google and thought maybe you could help me out. This is probably a bit unusual for this type of forum, however some of you guys seem pretty knowledgable about laser points so I figured I'd ask :P

Basically, I'm using a USB clicker that has a laser pointer built in, however while doing some presentations I've noticed that the laser pointer does not actually show up on some types of screens/projections. Why is this?

And finally, is there anything I could do to fix this problem? I read a bit on wikipedia regarding red lasers being the lowest quality, and that blue and green lasers are more powerful, however I think dropping $2000 for a pointer is a little obsurd for my needs. If you could shed any light on my situation it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

my guess is the light from your red pointer is being absorbed, or change the batterys? if not buy a cheapo <5mw green
Welcome to the forum Questionmark :)
It sounds like your laser pointer in your USB is of low power some thing like 1mw which will not be very visible in the applications you need :'( Like that boys said before you are better of getting a 5mw Green laser for these purposes :)
another thing that is going to make your laser pointer not show up on the screen is the color and reflectability of the screen. There are some presentation screens that are actually reclective material and reflect the light better. Also different color screens will absorb light. Like everyone else and thier recommendation. Go with a simple 5mw greenie and you will love it.
I have a 5mw red pointer that shows up if I shine it on a black matte wall. It's not BRIGHT, but it's visible. It is sufficiently bright to be seen, though in total fairness it is MUCH more visible on gray, white, or reflective screens. I use my pointer while teaching my class.

I would suggest that your pointer is either extraordinarily weak (<1mw, perhaps) or that your screen is wholly unusable for projection. OR, possibly, that your projector is just too bright for the pointer. I agree with the comment about changing your batteries.

My local WalMart, this week, has pointers and pointer pens on sale for $2.88... 5mw red pointers for under $3. This will never cease to amaze me...and they even look decent! You might pick up something cheap, like this, and see if it improves your results. I really do think it's a matter of brightness, more than anything else

-- Chuck Knight

P.S. I just had one last thought. Lenticular screens are designed to reflect most light straight back out at the audience, and in a very specific way. I've never tried a pointer on a lenticular screen.

Does your problematic screen have parallel grooves in its surface?
Go down to your local office supply superstore and try out the many different brands of USB pointers, spend the bucks if necessary getting a good bright one. If using a seperate pointer and clicker is an option, pick up a red pen type pointer for about $15-25. Avoid 3.99 specials.

DO NOT use a green pointer. Sure, it will show up better than any red, but it will also serve as a gigantic distraction from your presentation. The kiss of death, as anyone who's ever presented a presentation will certainly agree.
