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Laser Photography Preservation Gallery: Pic Heavy


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
Hi everyone,
I decided to make this thread to serve as an effort to restore and preserve some of the great laser photography we have had on here. Since Photobucket (sorry I swore. :shhh:) has decided to do what they have done, we have lost valuable media assets here. So I am making this thread serve as a recovery/backup of those images so we all can enjoy them again. I will also post the best of the images that I come across on LPF. This thread can serve as a gallery as well promoting the very best of laser photography.

The max resolution that I will post here is 640x480px. If you would like a higher resolution copy of an image; as long as I have one, then feel free to ask and I'll PM you a copy.

Feel free to assist me, if you come across an image we can no longer access.
You can help by posting the image link and the member id of the individual. Then I can upload it to the LPF Gallery.

Similarly, if you come across an image you believe is worthy of putting on this thread then again. Link the image and tell me what member posted it. :)

Disclaimer: Myself and any other individuals who choose to collaborate take no responsibility/credit for any of photography shared on this thread. There is no exception, unless it is their own content. All credit must go to the original photographer, and each image/collection must bare credit to that individual.

Unfortunately one member in particular who isn't on much anymore has suffered at the hands of PB and that is brucemir.

I actually managed to locate his Flickr account so I highly recommend you looking through his laser albums. As there is far too many pics he has done to post them all, i'll start with a couple. If you want to view more then here is his album link.

Flickr - brucemir


© - brucemir
Max Resolution Available: 1024x683px


© - brucemir
Max Resolution Available: 1024x683px


© - brucemir
Max Resolution Available: 1024x683px


© - brucemir
Max Resolution Available: 1024x683px


© - brucemir
Max Resolution Available: 1024x683px


© - Radim
Max Resolution Available: 1080x720px


© - Radim
Max Resolution Available: 1080x720px


© - Radim
Max Resolution Available: 1080x720px


© - RB astro
Max Resolution Available: 1024x683px


© - RB astro
Max Resolution Available: 800x533px


© - grainde
Max Resolution Available: 800x533px


© - grainde
Max Resolution Available: 800x533px


© - grainde
Max Resolution Available: 800x533px


© - ArcticDude
Max Resolution Available: 1024x577px


© - ArcticDude
Max Resolution Available: 1200x837px


© - ArcticDude
Max Resolution Available: 1200x900px


© - ArcticDude
Max Resolution Available: 1200x798px


© - ArcticDude
Max Resolution Available: 1200x675px


© - will manners
Max Resolution Available: 1024x549px


© - Sta
Max Resolution Available: 640x480px
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Great pics, I remember seeing most of them, very much worth saving. :)
Yes, same for me. :)
That’s the main reason why I made this thread. We should be able to let others enjoy the pics and let us see them again.
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Yes, thanks for starting this thread, lets keep the classics together!
I'm glad to see that you added those pics from grainde, especially that first one, it's been one of my favorites for years! :yh:
Yes, I really like those old pics from grainde. :)
The nostalgia thread. :p
Good idea --a place for people to post some of their favorite classics.

Looking forward to seeing more of Brucemir's new work---have not seen any in a long time--did he stop posting to LPF for some reason?
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Thanks Encap. Same, I will post some of his best work that I come across.
He hasn't been online now for a long time. I miss him and his work.
Same goes for Radim. Excellent pair of laser photographers.
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At first I thought this was going to be some professional outside work with maybe some holography. I remember see these with one or two exceptions before over the years. Nice to see them all again.
Lol, sorry. I struggled naming this thread appropriately. :)
It is always nice to see pics like these.
I remember most of these pictures, but there are a few new ones. Such nice photography. A :gj: to all that were on the producing end. Well done! :)
Great idea for a thread and honoured that you included a couple of my pics!:)

If you are interested I have a few more with mountains, snow, star trails and lasers here:


There are some pics in the OP and some more further down the thread.

Anyway I’ll hunt out some more photos from other members and post back.:beer:

Ps If anyone wants the higher res versions of my pics just let me know.
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No problem at all grainde. Many liked you’re photos here including me so it is only right to preserve them. Thanks for the other thread. When I’ve got more time, I’ll select some more and pm you for some higher res copies. :beer:
Thanks but I cant read it. When I click on the message it links to your profile page?:thinking:

Edit: Ok working now, was a little odd?
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