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Laser Harps v3, your suggestions?


May 1, 2007
Hey all, some of you may remember and own one of the laser harp kit runs I did a while back with csshih/Illumination Supply.

Well, I've been doing a bunch of research lately and considering a V3.

However, this one would be quite different to the previous ones, in that it would not be in kit form, it would be a plug and play (literally) system, which could make use of an existing ILDA capable projector.

One of the most requested features of all time for the laser harps is being able to move your hand up and down the beam to control pitch bend or even volume - and this is my #1 priority if I were to do a new run.

So, what I'm planning on so far:

- Interactive beams
- Multicoloured beams
- Fully plug and play system, no assembly required. Connect power, connect it to an ILDA projector and a MIDI device, and off you go.
- I may possibly try integrate USB MIDI directly, so a 2nd interface wouldn't be required.
- Self calibration, no need to tweak a potentiometer
- Possibly have the ability to change notes on the device directly

My aim is to have the device run off a basic, common power source, such as a 12VDC plugpack. I was considering leaving the LCD display out, but instead I may upsize it a bit and have some sort of UI that will let you change beam notes and such on the fly.

Anyway, this is in only VERY early stages yet, haven't even started prototyping, but what would you like to see in a device like this?


This sounds awesome! I will probably buy one and sell it to a friend if you make them :D Will these run off the arduino?
No, they would use an integrated MCU, actually thinking into it a bit further I'd probably have to use 2 MCU's to keep up with the serious processing it'll have to do :(
