Wait a second - that guy has made THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS off of that video, showing people how to make their diodes go POOF ? WOW ! I am in the WRONG line of work ! LOL
Well, I think he did redeem himself a bit with the "battery hack".
Namely that a $2.00 12v A23 battery just has a stack of little AG13's or LR44's in it!
I've said before I'm glad it kind of doesn't work. Do we really want every YouTuber out there with a pulse and two connected and firing neurons running around with a 200+mW laser just as school is starting? ;D
Yeah, he really did have some other interesting videos.
You would not believe how many of us were "stupid enough" to hook up directly to batteries. And I bet you would have too, had you not been informed otherwise..
Kipkay has quite a following it seems, his videos get 20k + hits within a couple of days, the cost of an LD is nothing compared to the payback......My video on the other hand has had just under 11k in a week and a half. It has done better than any of the other ones I have worked hard at though .
Link to my video...in case you missed it (shameless plug)
Rog - How do you qualify to get paid ? Yours shows inventiveness, ingenuity, and pure unadulterated GENIUS ! Well, however you become paid for your video, I sincerely hope you do so, and rake in OOOOODLES off of it !
@ SenKat, Thanks for the comments, to earn money you have to put it foreward for producer awards, if it is accepted (it must be original, have no copyright infringements, obsenity etc) it needs to get 20,000 hits and a rating of more than 3 stars.
Well, EXCELLENT ! You are well on your way, then ! Keep those videos coming - I am still young enough to be adotped, and I am trainable, too - you won't forget all of us little people when you get rich and famous will you !? hehehehehe !