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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser diode replacement (I think) 450nm 2.5w cnc laser


New member
May 19, 2020
Hi everyone,

First of all thanks to everyone hear. There is a wealth of information on this amazing site and I have been lost in it for days now. I recieved a cnc with a laser engraver. The laser engraver worked for all of probably 20 minutes run time. Now unfortunately I let it sit around for a while so no warranty for me. But I managed to pull it apart to diagnose and test connections. All the connections are great and things are getting power. So I am pretty sure the diode is just done, given that it was working and isn't now.
So my questions are can I just repalce the diode? And where would I buy one. I don't mind if it is different as long as it fits. My current one is 9mm. I can also attach a picture of it if it is neccessary. But I would rather just replace the diode then the whole housing and driver. But there is no way for me to tell what model the diode is and this may be one of the more confusing things I have come across. Lasers have way too much variance. So I am helping some kind experts here can help and then maybe one day I can help those in need here.

This will be a suitable replacement:
Or if you got the budget and want a more powerful and longer-lasting one
(Had to delete links as it didn't like me having them)

Your first link doesn't work for me but I could easily search your site to find it so thank you kindly. I guess my question with that second one is with the driver I am using, I am making an assumption that it was set to give the right voltage and amperage. So if I use a the second one, will it be diminished because of this? I really need to actually measure the amps that it does put out as I have only measured volts and it puts out around 5v depending on power selected.
Also thank you so much for replying, I think your website store has been open on my computer for weeks and was one of the first I came accross.
(Had to delete links as it didn't like me having them)

Your first link doesn't work for me but I could easily search your site to find it so thank you kindly. I guess my question with that second one is with the driver I am using, I am making an assumption that it was set to give the right voltage and amperage. So if I use a the second one, will it be diminished because of this? I really need to actually measure the amps that it does put out as I have only measured volts and it puts out around 5v depending on power selected.
Also thank you so much for replying, I think your website store has been open on my computer for weeks and was one of the first I came accross.
Be aware that the driver could also be the cause of the diodes death.I also suggest picking up a blackbuck driver or an sxd from dtr he will set the current on them for you too (cheap diode I would suggest 3 max for a long life and the expensive diode about 4.2max
Be aware that the driver could also be the cause of the diodes death.I also suggest picking up a blackbuck driver or an sxd from dtr he will set the current on them for you too (cheap diode I would suggest 3 max for a long life and the expensive diode about 4.2max

Ah yes I had considered that. Thank you I will look into that. I just pulled it out and the max I can output with my current driver is about 5.4v with 2 amps. This was plenty for doing engraving plates. But I imagine the other drivers would be better for cutting as they would be able to output higher.
Also congrats on the 2500 Watt CNC system, that's mighty impressive
That's it? That's the extent of your troubleshooting?

You're in for a long repair cycle if that's the sort of attention span we're working with.

I'm all ears if you have suggestions. But when it is recieving power and the contact points are all good then I am unsure what else can be done. It's not like I just said it can't be fixed and am trying to buy a new one here. I have isolated it to it's most basic part that has failed and am trying to repair it. Is there something I am missing here as if so please let me know as I am new to this.
it is recieving power and the contact points are all good

What specifically is receiving power? Where did you measure? What voltage? What current? What contact points? There are dozens of nodes on a driver and I doubt you've measured them all, let alone know what to look for.

Start here: Is there ANY light being emitted from the output aperture?
