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Laser diode housing in 5 mW laser pointer?

Dude whats with all of these postings..? And anyways, what are you talking about?
Difficult to eat, saw, cut, burn, fight, scare, destroy.. what?
I'm posting so much because I have questions... and I usually don't think of them all at once, sorry. I ment difficult as in hard to solder, take apart, and if everything would fit.
Well, it'll help to learn some terminology. If you are talking about housing it in a pen style host, we call it a leadlight, and many people have done it (check out the blu-ray section)

It depends on how good you are at electronics. If you can make a really tiny driver, or buy one, like the Rkcstr driver, it'll be easier. For soldering, I would say that making it fit into a pen is not much different from fitting into a normal flashlight host. Both are just about as difficult, or easy, depending on how good you are.

The only caution for making leadlights would be the wire lengths. They are gonna have to be as short as possible to be able to be crammed inside the leadlight. Hence while putting together, it is quite possible that you twist the setup too much, and end up with something snapping.

I haven't made a leadlight from scratch before, so I wouldn't know very much about it, but from what I experienced and from the posts around the forum, this is what I gather so far.
If your thinking of using the lens and heatsink from a 5mW pointer then it will not work because most 5mW's pointers (the red ones) use a chip type laser diode not the 5.6mm cans we are used to.

I had an idea, but it would be really hard. I want to get a highlighter, fit a lasr inside it and make the circuit so it will turn on when you put the cap on the back. Any idea if that will work? I will probably take out the tip if I do that. The highlighter should be big enough to fit the laser stuff.
I don't think I can advise much till I've seen the highlighter, but surely one thing to do would be to take off the tip, empty the ink (or burn it off! Highlighters make good candles) and clean it up.

Then for the turning on when you put the cap on the back, I suppose what you'd need to do is to get two contacts sticking out at the back that when bridged, will turn the laser on. Once you do that, all you gotta do is make the cap conductive by lining it with aluminium foil, or solder, etc.
Man you are a cluey lot. Amazing how creative some of you can be when it comes to making lasers. I am still waiting on my module from Olike to turn up so I still have some time to make a few decisions. This is a great forum people. Thanks.

