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Laser Diode getting weaker and hotter after ~5 secs from being started

Hopefully the diode wasn't damaged. Do you have an LPM?

I don't think its damaged, at least lets hope so.

and for the meter I don't have one until now.
It should be ok. At worst it seems that it will be at a reduced level since it hasn't LED'd. The LPM would be the sure fire way to know it's output. I have an lpm but it only goes to 2w. I really need a 10w
It should be ok. At worst it seems that it will be at a reduced level since it hasn't LED'd. The LPM would be the sure fire way to know it's output. I have an lpm but it only goes to 2w. I really need a 10w
I'll make sure to get one when possible. Thank you for the helpful input.
Get a set of neutral density filters and you can use the lower power meters for higher power lasers. Just make sure to buy good ones that have a known calibration. I also when lazy blew many diodes testing without a heatsink. Usually when they blink out like yours they won’t live long after even if properly heatsinked and used. I think the die cracks inside.
