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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser Cutter addon for RigidBot 3D Printer


Aug 7, 2014
I'm happy to share initial prototype of RigidBot laser cutter, utilizing 2nd extruder place and parts. This is really early prototype, but it frigging works and I'm so excited that I decided to share :)

I run 405nm laser at 600mA, with proper heatsink. All this crap mounted on custom designed mount. This mount version is not final as well as hardware, but progress is pretty solid. Laser driver support TTL modulation for which I decided to reuse Fan1 signal. But it required conversion hence so many wires and prototype converter solder on piece of cardboard. This is optocuopler converted which drops fan1 PWM signal 0-24V to 0-~5V.

Some specs:
Laser: 405nm Blueray laser BDR-209 works up to 750mA but with reservations ( I really pushing it )
Driver: 4A capable, Flexmod driver, with modulation


Converts one of extruders into laser cutter/engraver just uses existing connection and provided voltages and signals.
Utilities existing extrude distribution PCB
Uses 24V without any conversions
Used TTL control signal from printer to modulate power of the laser from 0-100%
60mm fan design (Bigger coverage, low noise)
Controlled from Pronterface or any other printer app / uses g-codes.

Future works:

Develop PCB for modulation level converter ( that ugly shrink wrapped contraption with all elements mounted on piece of cardboard :D )
Improve mount
Test higher current on laser
Source more powerful laser, maybe ~3W 445nm?
Develop or source move efficient laser driver ( less heat - smaller fan )




Here are some videos:
RigidBot 405nm laser cutter attachment cutting paper and cardboard speed test - YouTube
RigidBot 405nm laser cutter attachment cutting foam - YouTube

If you have comments, suggestion I would be appreciated.
Big thank you to dtr-lpf for a lot of help in the area.

Great looking addon there :)
What do you use to generate the g-code for the 2D cuts?

Edit: What modifications did you have to make to the firmware to add in the laser control?
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Thank you ARG !

Main idea here to NOT mod anything in printer. Everything was pretty much easy, what gave a lot of grieve is 24V, as you know from another thread :)

Workflow is simple:
- Get Inkscape
- Add Laser engraver Extension ( found in internet ), whcih saves path as gcode.
- use gcode sender to send stuff to the 3dprinter. I use Pronterface, same as for 3d Printing.
- also I run script which will replace M1, M3 commands for M106 255 / M106 0 to turn laser ON-OF when it travel over material.

Also I can do variable power for engraving using M106 commands.
The two main things I see wrong with it are
that the fan doesn't blow directly on the
cutting area and the module is sticking out
of the heatsink. Otherwise it looks
Greetings, guys, thanks for the space. As far as I'm concerned, I think that printer is one of the best.
