I got a project where I'm thinking about using 5 laser pointers turned on/off by arduino. I'm having a problem that I can't turn it on using the digital pins. When I connect the laser (that has 300mW) directly to the 3.3V and GND it works, but when I send the same voltage using one digital pin (connecting only the pin and the GND to the pointer) it doens't work.
Does anyone knows what´s the problem?
Is there any other way of connection that it would work?
I got a project where I'm thinking about using 5 laser pointers turned on/off by arduino. I'm having a problem that I can't turn it on using the digital pins. When I connect the laser (that has 300mW) directly to the 3.3V and GND it works, but when I send the same voltage using one digital pin (connecting only the pin and the GND to the pointer) it doens't work.
Does anyone knows what´s the problem?
Is there any other way of connection that it would work?