So I got my driver built and everything so I began extracting the LPC-815's I got in a group buy. The first one was dropped a few times, and I think some dust settled on the die. It LED'd on me immediately. The second one was taken care of, but yet again it had LED'd, but there was a small flash of bright red light before it went poof. The 3rd one worked fine for about 5 minutes, but I forgot to remember that the case pin was negative, and sat it on the grounded case of the powersupply, the powersupply cut off in protection. even the millesecond amount of time, 30A of current passed through it and literally melted the diode pin straight off:yabbem:.
Needless to say, open cans are a pain in the @ss, my first PHR went smooth with no problems. Does anyone have tips on how to extract/connect/anything to reduce the chance of killing the diode?
All answers appreciated.
Needless to say, open cans are a pain in the @ss, my first PHR went smooth with no problems. Does anyone have tips on how to extract/connect/anything to reduce the chance of killing the diode?
All answers appreciated.