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FrozenGate by Avery

Just wondering


New member
May 16, 2019
So I have been away from the Forum for quit awhile, probably years. Just recently I decided to break down and blow my Income tax return on a bucket list item I have wanted for basially forever: A Bad Ass Laser pointer. Naturally I went back to the Forum posts and re-read...and re-read. I settled on The 5w 445nm blue from JetLaser.Org..I also bought the 10X beem expander (love that host). A couple of questions if I may ask of the esteemed laser Gurus here:

My order placed on the 2nd still shows "Awaiting Paypal payment"...which I find odd because I know looking at my end, Grey has the money. Is this normal? Is there any concern this Laser being seized by customs? I know allot has changed over the years, but Im still worried. Im probably freeking out over nothing so just looking for reassurance everything is cool.

I have watched numseroius Laser pointer videos and it seems Nobody has a video that shows how to make a high powered Laser. I have the tools and skill set to put it together, but of course lack the knowledege on how to do it. Can someone point me to a vid that breaks the assembly in a dumbed down fashion so a caveman like myself can put it together? Or is this something that would invite men from 3 letter acronym government agencies to knock on your door? I dream about building my own but can only find Vids that skim the surface and leave allot of questions unanswered.

I have one of those El' Cheapo 301 Chinese green lasers that I have had for what seems like forever, and most of my firearms have decent laser sights on them but of cours its just not quite the same. A week ago I tried an experiment with my Green laser by flying my drone up to 300' and shined the laser in front of it being carefull not shine it on the camera's CMOS itself. I thought I would see a large swath of green beem passing in front of it, but nothing-not even a hint. That suprised me as of course at night the beem seems to go on forever. Didnt see anything. Once the Bad boy blue is in hand, I want to repeat that experiment. I havnt seen anyone attempt it before.

Any help or suggestions offered would be most appreciated.



So I have been away from the Forum for quit awhile, probably years. Just recently I decided to break down and blow my Income tax return on a bucket list item I have wanted for basially forever: A Bad Ass Laser pointer. Naturally I went back to the Forum posts and re-read...and re-read. I settled on The 5w 445nm blue from JetLaser.Org..I also bought the 10X beem expander (love that host). A couple of questions if I may ask of the esteemed laser Gurus here:

My order placed on the 2nd still shows "Awaiting Paypal payment"...which I find odd because I know looking at my end, Grey has the money. Is this normal? Is there any concern this Laser being seized by customs? I know allot has changed over the years, but Im still worried. Im probably freeking out over nothing so just looking for reassurance everything is cool.

I have watched numseroius Laser pointer videos and it seems Nobody has a video that shows how to make a high powered Laser. I have the tools and skill set to put it together, but of course lack the knowledege on how to do it. Can someone point me to a vid that breaks the assembly in a dumbed down fashion so a caveman like myself can put it together? Or is this something that would invite men from 3 letter acronym government agencies to knock on your door? I dream about building my own but can only find Vids that skim the surface and leave allot of questions unanswered.

I have one of those El' Cheapo 301 Chinese green lasers that I have had for what seems like forever, and most of my firearms have decent laser sights on them but of cours its just not quite the same. A week ago I tried an experiment with my Green laser by flying my drone up to 300' and shined the laser in front of it being carefull not shine it on the camera's CMOS itself. I thought I would see a large swath of green beem passing in front of it, but nothing-not even a hint. That suprised me as of course at night the beem seems to go on forever. Didnt see anything. Once the Bad boy blue is in hand, I want to repeat that experiment. I havnt seen anyone attempt it before.

Any help or suggestions offered would be most appreciated.



You might consider building a high power 520nm laser. When I built mine I put it in a sinner MS-SSW II host. It does 1100 mW and can light up a well lit room green. It uses an NDG7475 diode.
You might consider building a high power 520nm laser. When I built mine I put it in a sinner MS-SSW II host. It does 1100 mW and can light up a well lit room green. It uses an NDG7475 diode.

Thanx Paul. I kinda had my heart set on a 532nm wavelength laser. I noticed you have a "532nm LSR532H-1W Laser, LSR-PS-N1 Driver, RS-75-5 P.S. 1300 mW" in your collection. That would be awesome. I would also like to build a 650nm Red laser, so eventually I would have Red, Green & Blue.

Now all I have to do is find a thread or better still, a video showing step by step on how it all goes together. I have a basic understanding from what I have watched & read, but am a bit uneasy as I cant afford to throw money away screwing it up. Once I get one built my cofidence level will be much higher, and can proceed to the more exotic bulids. Right now, Im playing with scared money.

One thing I thought would be awesome is to build is a Laser pointer using a Lightsaber Hilt as a host. Those, I know where to get.

The only places I know where to get parts from is : Survivallaserusa, DTR's Laser Shop & Civillaser. Can your reccomend other places for parts? Places that are willing to help an enthusiest get started? It seems DTR's doesnt carry 532nm diodes, and Survival doesnt carry diodes at all. A one-stop-shop would be ideal if it even exsists? That way my chances of screwing up with incompatible parts is minimalized. I know I'm asking allot, and wish not to burden anyone with trivial questions but I know not what else to do.
You can get a pre-wired module from DTR with the driver already installed, you only need a host to put it in and that you can get from Lifetime17 with the spring board and pre wired ready to do, slip the module into the host, tighten a set screw and connect 2 wires, that's it except putting in a battery and remembering to always lase safely. :)
Thanx Paul. I kinda had my heart set on a 532nm wavelength laser. I noticed you have a "532nm LSR532H-1W Laser, LSR-PS-N1 Driver, RS-75-5 P.S. 1300 mW" in your collection. That would be awesome. I would also like to build a 650nm Red laser, so eventually I would have Red, Green & Blue.

Now all I have to do is find a thread or better still, a video showing step by step on how it all goes together. I have a basic understanding from what I have watched & read, but am a bit uneasy as I cant afford to throw money away screwing it up. Once I get one built my cofidence level will be much higher, and can proceed to the more exotic bulids. Right now, Im playing with scared money.

One thing I thought would be awesome is to build is a Laser pointer using a Lightsaber Hilt as a host. Those, I know where to get.

The only places I know where to get parts from is : Survivallaserusa, DTR's Laser Shop & Civillaser. Can your reccomend other places for parts? Places that are willing to help an enthusiest get started? It seems DTR's doesnt carry 532nm diodes, and Survival doesnt carry diodes at all. A one-stop-shop would be ideal if it even exsists? That way my chances of screwing up with incompatible parts is minimalized. I know I'm asking allot, and wish not to burden anyone with trivial questions but I know not what else to do.

I got my diode on an eBay auction. Cost me about $80 IIRC. I do have that 532nm laser running at 1300 mW output. It has an awesome beam profile. You might want to look at my thread on the 520nm green laser pointer as it shows pretty much how I put it together. Good luck to you!
I got my diode on an eBay auction. Cost me about $80 IIRC. I do have that 532nm laser running at 1300 mW output. It has an awesome beam profile. You might want to look at my thread on the 520nm green laser pointer as it shows pretty much how I put it together. Good luck to you!
Thank you kind sir...I'll check it out.......and Thank you Red for the advice......most appreciated.
