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FrozenGate by Avery

just recieved my 50 mW but..

Jun 7, 2007
the beam isnt that visible, you have to be inside and even then its hard to see, you have to have your eye right behind the laser and look in it's direction.

the button is VERY sensitive. is it supposed to be? it got so bad that even when i set the laser down it would turn on and stay on...

also it doesnt burn anything, and i really dont feel any heat when i put it on my hand. is there an IR filter on this that i am able to remove?

the label says 50mW but it seems like a 5mW.

anyone know whats going on? should i send it back for a new one?

where did you get the laser from? :-?

EDIT- Looks like I posted the same time Senkat did.
viper00716 said:
where did you get the laser from? :-?

EDIT- Looks like I posted the same time Senkat did.
lol. i ordered it from dealextreme.
it was most likely their last laser in stock (until they got another batch) because about a day after i ordered it they lowered the price by about 9 dollars.
well im glad to know the 50mW's arent like this. but now i have to wait twice as long whne i send it back  :(

looking at the laser more i noticed the inside where the positive battery wire is (the spring looking one), is surrounded by soft foam-like material. when the button is pressed it moves the wire, and it remains constantly turned on. i would think they would use harder material to surround it so the battery or anything else doesnt bump it and turn it on. why is there soft material around the spring for the battery? are they all like this?

I just now sent in for an order replacement and will recieve an email within the next 3 days. grr...
I dont think Deal Extreme have IR filters in them. So youre probably not getting 50mW.
mikeeey said:
also it doesnt burn anything, and i really dont feel any heat when i put it on my hand. is there an IR filter on this that i am able to remove?
Even if the DealExtreme lasers had IR filters, NEVER remove them because you don't get anywhere when you do this, just invisible laser light that you can't see that can easily do permanent damage.
twisted_transistor said:
your prolly getting 20mW green, 30mW IR
do you really think it was dealextreme that switched stickers with a 50mW or their suppliers?
they're really nice tho and the lady who helps with the support imeditly emailed back talking about a replacement and a free gift :) lol
No - DX doesn't remove stickers ! LOL

They distribute these lasers, nothing more....when they say they tested them, I believe their tests involves only putting batteries inside, and seeing green come out the other end. I do not know for a fact about the testing methods- that is only a wild guess.
SenKat said:
No - DX doesn't remove stickers ! LOL

They distribute these lasers, nothing more....when they say they tested them, I believe their tests involves only putting batteries inside, and seeing green come out the other end.  I do not know for a fact about the testing methods- that is only a wild guess.
hm, well ok. hey SenKat, of the times that youve ordered from DealExtreme have they always came working or have u ever had bad ones?

also i still dont get, why is there foam on the inside around the springy battery wire? do they all have this? im talkin about this right here...

when u push the button it move the spring and that moves the foam. the foam then remains pushed and the wire moves in the gap where the foam was. this makes the light constantly stay on.
The board they use is flimsy at best - that is why they are so cheap ! They all have the foam - that is to prevent the board from shorting out when the button is pressed, and also to keep the assembly in place better. Everything I have ordered from DX has arrived in working order.
SenKat said:
The board they use is flimsy at best - that is why they are so cheap !  They all have the foam - that is to prevent the board from shorting out when the button is pressed, and also to keep the assembly in place better.  Everything I have ordered from DX has arrived in working order.
so if it's like that on all of them, then does that mean your not supposed to press hard or it will dent the foam and create a gap? its making my laser stay turned on. whats different about the foam in mine and in the working ones? how sensitive should the button be?
I think yours is just defective all around - if you are returning it, no biggie deal ! If you get to keep it, and mess with it, I would make sure the foam stays in place somehow. The difference being, that normally, the foam does not move, and the button only turns the laser on and off - besides that, I really couldn't tell you :(
SenKat said:
I think yours is just defective all around - if you are returning it, no biggie deal !  If you get to keep it, and mess with it, I would make sure the foam stays in place somehow.  The difference being, that normally, the foam does not move, and the button only turns the laser on and off - besides that,  I really couldn't tell you :(
thanks. 1 last question tho.
are the buttons supposed to be the type you hold down to turn on or is it one where u push it once and it stays on and u push it again and it turns off?
They are momentary pushbuttons - meaning you must hold them down to keep the laser functioning.
