Hi all, I'm just 'nother noob that discovered this site via YouTube. I haven't looked about at lasers for a few years and am amazed at the progress. New colors (to me), 447nm, 473nm, 589nm, 593.5nm and infrareds! 'Course like many others I'm in love with the 473nm handhelds. I'm thinkin' it's time to maybe build a few lasers. I'll probably start with a green. I've been lurking a few days plus and see that some machinists offer body kits which is awesome.
My one descent laser is a 100mw Wicked Laser green, I bought a few years 'go.
And when did >5mw become illegal ta buy fully made? Crazy world.
Any easy plans for a green out there? I can read schematics, solder, and I've yet to lose any appendages with my Dremel!
My one descent laser is a 100mw Wicked Laser green, I bought a few years 'go.
And when did >5mw become illegal ta buy fully made? Crazy world.
Any easy plans for a green out there? I can read schematics, solder, and I've yet to lose any appendages with my Dremel!