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FrozenGate by Avery

Just bought a 240mw laser


Jun 25, 2007

My 240mw laser which I bought from eBay came today! However I am bit worried about my eyes with the radiation etc. My question is basicially will I need some lasrer-protection goggles for use with my laser?


Also I kind of doubt that it is full 240mw as it is from eBay, but even so!
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If you want it tested for ouput power, there are several of us on here that have power meters that would be willing to test it for oyu - also to check for extra IR leaking out....do you have a link to the vendor you purchased it from ? That would help to figure out mostly how good it is !
could you post a link to the auction? There are many people who have bought these <240mW lasers and find they are WAYYY less than 240mW. There are comments on this laser on CPF. If I remember correctly some people measured theirs at 30mW.

I may be wrong about the individual laser, but 240mW is a unique output level and I've only seen it by one supplier on e-bay.
Yeah, those "240mW" lasers are scams. I wouldn't be expecting any more than 50mW green output honestly, bundled with a bit of IR.
They probably mean that 240mw is the maximum output of the diode, and as pseudo says they are a scam any 50mw is generous I'm sure ::)
LED Museum did a review of the Ebay 240mw laser. Rated at 31mw. Bit of a discrepancy there, methinks.
Thats why you stick with known name companies that you can trust, a random e-bay laser is very risky.
As everyone said here, there is no way those pointer on AAA battery reach 240mW, not even peak power. As far as I know, standard power of the IR 808nM diode that those pointer use are 200mW, up to 500mW for the good quality pointer.

200mW IR diode only able to produce max 50mW green, and 500mW IR diode will produce around 125mW, all those assuming that very efficient crystal being used. Efficient crystal that can convert with such efficiency are very rare.

To reach 240mW green, at least 1000mW IR diode need to be used. Those diode alone (TO-5 packaging) cost around US$100.

Well, now you get the idea... as everyone here already mention, your laser pointer will likely only ouput in the range of 30mW, up to 45mW max if you are lucky enough.

Those laser on Ebay usually made by Newwish (newwishlaser.com). As far as I know, their product (up to 50mW green) have IR filter, while above that unlikely have those filter. This can produce false reading (higher output value) on the laser meter, as it will measure both 532nM green and IR output at the same time.
Bernhard - you have it mostly right :-) The New Wish lasers all have IR filters - the ones in the 100mw and up are just not that good, really. There is a 200mw New Wish laser out there, but those do have a bit of IR in the beam, but come close with the mixed readings at least - to 200mw. You are correct on everything else, though ! ;) Oh, and I will be answering your email tomorrow, sir ! (I have not forgotten you !)
