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FrozenGate by Avery

JSD Uniphase 2214 argon-ion 488nm single line system for sale

Mar 26, 2010
Figured I might as well plug this here too. It's on ebay right now for any interested.

complete 2214-30SLQT system doing 4-5mw at idle and 45-50mw at full current, (10.5A) Sorry I can't be more exactly but I don't a decent LPM. Ordered a laserbee last november.. still haven't gotten it, but that's a different story.

JDS Uniphase 2214 488nm argon ion laser system - eBay (item 150426444167 end time Mar-29-10 20:52:24 PDT)

Some back story on this laser and the reason for the almost non-existant hours on a tube this old. I bought this laser head surplus in either 2000 or 2001. When I got it, it barely lased even at 10A and had beam artifacts even then. At the time, I lacked the.. er.. kahones.. to tackle a mirror alignment on this type of tube so it got shelved until a few months ago, when I decided I need to condense my hobbies. So I dug it out, played with the mirrors for a few hours off and on for max power TEM00, threw together a controller for the power supply, and now it's ready to go to a new home.

If you are looking for a single line (488nm) and it's doing at least 30mW, this is a great deal folks.

If the price rises much with bidding, then it would be a "normal" deal. However, as we have seen clearly the last few weeks, knowing that it is working is a big plus ;)

I guarantee that is both working and does more than 30mw. My crappy photodiode lpm, after comparing it to the 'conversion chart' it came with for 488, says it's a little over 60mw at full power. Not really sure which one to trust so I guessed it safer to advertise the lower numbers.

I'll also have two more argon-ion systems i'll be selling as soon as I get them ready FYI. A spectra physics 161b 488nm single line system, and an omnichrome/ALC-60x multi-line system that was doing 7 lines last time I messed with it years ago.
Yeah that laser was sold almost 2 years ago. However i'm in the middle of a housecleaning and will be offering up all the argon-ion stuff I have left shortly. Most of it is bits and pieces but do have a spectra physics 161 single line system that works, it just needs a bit of metalwork to make a replacement cover for the back of the head, as well as likely some opamps replaced it the PSU so it will work in light control mode.. works fine in current mode as is.
