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Wow huh. I still think my diode is in the 505-510 range. I don't have a way of measuring right now other than to take a color accurate photo when my host and driver come in and let inaccurate LCDs be the judge.

I don't think there's anyone with a spectrometer in my area

On a side note, when I took my 532 beam shot, the laser got a bit warm, and I SWORE it started going blue. Is that a possibility?
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Wow huh. I still think my diode is in the 505-510 range. I don't have a way of measuring right now other than to take a color accurate photo when my host and driver come in and let inaccurate LCDs be the judge.

I don't think there's anyone with a spectrometer in my area

On a side note, when I took my 532 beam shot, the laser got a bit warm, and I SWORE it started going blue. Is that a possibility?

Impossible. DPSS lasers don't change with wavelength, although some people have had their 589 Spartans from DragonLasers emit different shades of yellow. If your 532 laser started to get warm to the touch that's a sign of duty cycle being exceeded and should be TURNED OFF IMMEDIATELY. :)

Just for reference below is a pic of my 510.6 nm (measured with a diffraction grating). More info is in this thread if you want to have a look at how I measured it.:beer:

Grainde, after all this time, this photo of yours is still one of my favorites; nice seeing it again, it's a beauty! :yh:

Well guys, here's the worlds worst beam picture of my PL TB450B running at 700mA. I have a whole boatload of these little RECOM 700mA LED drivers left over from a project.

I'll try to find time to get a picture of it outside tonight.

Thanks jnrpop, works great
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Awesome fauxton! happy to hear its arrived and lasing!

Your going to be amazed when you manage to run it higher, @ 1.5A or even @1.8A with the necessary heatsinking, these diodes come alive and the beam is incredibley bright!

Enjoy :beer:
Is the thermal connection to the copper case pretty good? I'm going to have to make something on the lathe to fit it. If I keep the copper part under 55c do you think the junction will be in the safe zone still?
I believe the max operating temp with these diodes in +70'C, so 55'C should be fine, wont hurt to read up on the spec sheet for these though ;)

The 5.6mm Diode is 'pressed' into the 12mm copper module/'casing', the best thermal contact you could hope for :beer:

Just when you end up putting the 12mm module into a host, won't hurt to also use abit of thermal paste :D
I haven't decided what host to use yet. I'm sort of partial to maglites (I don't know why) but the lengths of them work out pretty poorly with 18650 increments. It seems like I always have to put at least half of a battery worth of spacer. I don't really like "tactical" looking stuff so a lot of the normal premade hosts don't particularly appeal to me aesthetically.

I'm not even really sure I want a "portable laser" I don't know whether it would be cooler to attach it to an XY mirror arrangement or maybe attach it to a CNC table to make some kind of low power engraver.
Fauxton, be careful using LED drivers for laser diode drivers as they sometimes are inherently noisy, which doesn't bother LEDs but can be disastrous to LDs.
Thanks for the heads up Paul. The one I am using is supposed to be pretty high quality, whatever that's worth... but I will definitely give it a look with the scope!
Yeah, we ran into this problem some years ago. Since you are under driving your LDs, it might not cause you problems. IDK.
well here's another awful hastily taken picture.... The beam is perfect, it's just moving during the 2 second exposure. I'm a photography guy so when I get more than 5 minutes to set up properly I will get some REAL pictures on here

Lol sorry guys, they've all scaled on my end :huh:
So.... Fix it at your end...:yabbmad:

Still takes 5 screens to see anything
and at that size it takes forever to
update the page.

You are not alone on the Forum.

So.... Fix it at your end...:yabbmad:

Still takes 5 screens to see anything
and at that size it takes forever to
update the page.

You are not alone on the Forum.


Haven't made it to my computer yet, sorry.
Doesn't LPF only allow 800x600 photos to be uploaded? I've got no problems on my phone or computer with jombo23's photos :thinking:
