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FrozenGate by Avery

JLasers + Monorail = Laser Train

Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
Was looking at some model railroad stuff on eBay the other day and I saw a train set called a "laser train", but very disappointingly, it had no real lasers on it whatsoever! So I decided to create a real laser train with my model monorail and the J Lasers 1.6W 450 and 700mW 520 lasers. :cool: I was wearing LaserGlow OD 7 goggles while setting this up and didn't notice until afterwards that I burned a tiny patch of paint off the family room wall ... oops. :cool:



:LOL: I see you used the new high tech ( PESC ) Polymer Elastic Stretch Cord attachment method...... That's a big improvement over the old ( BGST ) Bubble Gum and Sticky Tape mounting solution.

The angle you took the pic has the beams almost overlapping, if you held the camera a little higher you might have gotten somewhat of a combined beam.
