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Jetlasers 465nm 3.5W PL-E pro Pics and Video


Mar 17, 2006
Hi all, I recently got this amazing laser from hakzaw1 as part of his Jetlaser GB. Today I finally found the time to take and post these pics and video. As usual for Jetlasers, everything about this laser works perfectly. Quality machining, threads, feels sturdy, batteries fit well, buttons work well etc.

It's powered by two beefy 26650's and seems to be well heatsinked and able to provide a good duty cycle. After being left on for 2-3 minutes the laser head will start getting warm usually. It has a low power mode, a high power mode and a strobe effect which are accessed by tapping the buttons.

I don't plan on metering this laser as I'm honestly a little afraid of it ruining my 3.7W rated meter. The beam basically burns the heck out of everything it touches without even needing to be focused. Sets dark paper on fire, burns through white paper, etches wood and will burn paint off objects. Do not get cheeky and put your hand in the beam of this laser to see how quickly it will start to sting. The answer is VERY quickly. Also be careful where you point it in the house, as it will burn the walls/ceiling/floor/furniture if you aren't careful.

Pics showing the laser and beam in a room during the daytime.



Burning video:san:
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I like that laser, great design! :beer:

Nice wavelength. No need to wait for the night to take a few beamshots :D
Man I really like the sleek professional look of the PL-E. Great wavelength as well, I personally love my 07e as the color is very relaxing, at least to me it is. Thanks for sharing! I didn't realize JL still shipped to the states so I need to rethink some future plans/builds and fit a PL-E in there somewhere!

I'm with Cel on the night beamshots, Gotta have those!
Anyone see any good comparisons from the 1.4 to the 3.5.
I have the 1.4 on order but it's pending so I can still change my mind if I want. I'm thinking of going with the 3.5.
Anyone see any good comparisons from the 1.4 to the 3.5.
I have the 1.4 on order but it's pending so I can still change my mind if I want. I'm thinking of going with the 3.5.

If you have the funds, get the 3.5. I don't have a comparison, but the difference in brightness is stunning.
Sounds good. Better to get the 3.5 instead of getting the 1.4 and wishing you would have waited.
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Jetlaser has a nice host. You made the right choice with the 465nm. What lens does it have? Did you get the 10 x BE as well? I will be getting a 532 nm from them sometime soon.
I've two questions. At 3.5 watts how long would 26650 batteries last totally? How long would they provide power to run this laser at that level of output?
I've two questions. At 3.5 watts how long would 26650 batteries last totally? How long would they provide power to run this laser at that level of output?

At 3.5W it should be drawing 2-2.5A from the batteries; with good quality batteries it should last at least 2 hours. :)
At what distance will this 3.5w laser begin to burn. Just asking for future reference for when mine arrives. As in if i'm using in my basement and pointing at a wall from across the room. The wall is concrete so im not worried. Just wondering.
At what distance will this 3.5w laser begin to burn. Just asking for future reference for when mine arrives. As in if i'm using in my basement and pointing at a wall from across the room. The wall is concrete so im not worried. Just wondering.

If you leave it pointed at something flammable, it will start smoking within a few seconds if it is less than 30-40 feet away, probably further.

However it will only light things on fire if it is properly focused - that can only really be done at a distance <5 feet.

I've found that a generally 'safe' distance from this laser is around 30 ft. The beam has poor divergence and generally isn't hazardous to most materials past that point. Just make sure you don't let it hit anything valuable such as flat panel displays or furniture.
I've found that a generally 'safe' distance from this laser is around 30 ft. The beam has poor divergence and generally isn't hazardous to most materials past that point. Just make sure you don't let it hit anything valuable such as flat panel displays or furniture.

That distance is safe if you're holding the laser, but if you set it down, it may become dangerous.
Awesome. Thanks alot for the responses. As always making sure to be safe and since you have one I had to ask. Rather than find out on my own and damage something. Also have you looked at the dot with glasses of course or is that still a no no with the power of this laser.
Looking at the dot with goggles on is fine. That's the whole point of the goggles.
