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FrozenGate by Avery

Is this laser legal to sell in the US?

Or you can install all the FDA requirements which to my knowledge only wicked lasers does that.

Actually, Laserglow and Skylasers have FDA certified lasers. Many other companies sell lasers with FDA safety features. Laserglow is more local as well and is in Canada.
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Or you can install all the FDA requirements which to my knowledge only wicked lasers does that.

Simply installing the FDA required features DOES NOT make a laser FDA compliant.

Aside from 5mW models, the WL lasers are NOT legal, never have been, never will be.

In order to be "legal" each model of laser has to be provided to the FDA for thorough testing, and the model has to be re-certified on an annual basis.

@EMF - I really wouldn't bet the house that Skylasers are FDA certified either... Laserglow, that's another story.
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Actually, Laserglow and Skylasers have FDA certified lasers. Many other companies sell lasers with FDA safety features. Laserglow is more local as well and is in Canada.

Yup still learning ty.


WickedLasers is really well known as far as lasers go, is the gov really that unrestrictive on laser laws?
