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FrozenGate by Avery

IR sold.


Mar 22, 2010
Laser sold.

Okay, i understand the want of those cheap 1W IR lasers are really, really low. $75 is for parts. If you want to build a laser, then take it apart and build a laser.

IDK what prices are today, at the time i bought this, it was as follow:
1W IR diode $20 + ship
Fexi driver $30
Glass lens for red lasers 25% boost $50
Host for $15

I'm asking $75 + Free shipping. USA only, please. This includes a fully assembled laser with a lipo 3.7V AAA size battery (no charger). I charged these off a rather simple rig and a full size lipo charger. Same charger i use for my 3S 3000mAh RC packs. I think its a fair price even if you just want to build a red laser. If those prices hold true to this date, then its $75 already to get a driver and the glass AR coated lens.

And of course, pictures.




Clearly needs to have a lens clean, i havnt used it in months.

This was all hand made. I drilled the diode holder out to fit this big fricken diode. It gets hot, fast. These diodes must have some protection because ive ran it long enough that it was so hot, it actually went to a dim state, and after cooling for a minute it was back to full. In fact, with IR lense removed from camera, it has a beam.

PM if you want, thanks.

1W 808nm infrared laser diode TO-5( This was the diode. $40, so actually now $75 is a steal.
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Re: Selling: 1W 808nm Laser $75 (For parts too)

I am open to offers...Considering the fact that IR lasers (to me at least) are rather useless. Reality, this would be a good kit for someone that just wants a red lasers, seeing you just need the driver (adjusted to proper mw) and the red 25% increase lens.

Price isnt fixed. its just a retail - quiet a bit estimate.
Re: Selling: 1W 808nm Laser $75 (For parts too)


Exactly what I needed for my project. Thanks.
