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IR Protection Question

Jan 16, 2015
I have been reading alot here on the forum and still a bit confused on the more dangerous IR that can't be seen by the human eye

I understand the protection from the higher wavelength IR can come in two forms. An IR filter on the laser itself or glasses that protect from the IR wavelengths.

So my question: Is this IR only a danger with 532 green or do the blue, violets and other colors also emit IR if not filtered by the laser itself.

Thanks for the education

Blue, violet, and reds do not emit IR. Only DPSS (diode pumped solid state) lasers emit IR, and of course IR lasers. DPSS have a more complex design that uses an IR pump diode and crystals and optics to convert the IR to a different wave length, most of these are the 532nm green but there are a couple of others but they are rare and expensive. 520nm green has no IR and is not DPSS. DPSS lasers are also less stable and are temperature sensitive and break easy.

Thanks Alan for the education. It seems DPSS is more complex but seems to be the most popular green. I got more reading to do!

Take care
Blue, violet, and reds do not emit IR. Only DPSS (diode pumped solid state) lasers emit IR, and of course IR lasers. DPSS have a more complex design that uses an IR pump diode and crystals and optics to convert the IR to a different wave length, most of these are the 532nm green but there are a couple of others but they are rare and expensive. 520nm green has no IR and is not DPSS. DPSS lasers are also less stable and are temperature sensitive and break easy.


Some red(671nm), blue(473nm) & violet(404nm I believe it is) lasers use DPSS also. Of course though, 532 is the most common.

