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FrozenGate by Avery

IR pointer build - Please Help


New member
Oct 20, 2022
I am BRAND new to lasers. I have been doing some research on IR stuff but I dont really know where to start. I understand there are kits out there (this would be easiest for me as i'm not too inclined when it comes to this type of stuff) but i havent found an IR kit specifically. I'd love to swap the diode later as I only need the laser to be IR for a while. I also need it to be pretty powerful. I'll be pointing a pretty good distance(Several miles). I'd be very appreciative if someone could help. Thanks in advance!

This instruction lays it all out pretty well and gives you pointers as to general sources for parts you will need.

(((( SPECIAL NOTE )))) **Always lase safely and wear the proper laser safety glasses for the wavelength you are using.**
You can try with diode IR 780nm in DVD-RW burner!
It has best divergence of IR with power from 150-250mW
You can use the LM317 with registor 3.9 ohm—>4.7 ohm for that!
Pls don’t set R < 3.9 ohm—-> diode will die soon
This is my build from 10 years ago
