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IR filter location on green DPSS lasers


Apr 28, 2015
Ive been looking all over the sights trying to find real pics instead of diagrams on. the location of an IR filter on DPSS lasers. Im asking if what im going to say is the right info of what I believe. If a pen laser has an IR would it be located just after what I believe is the green crystal on the first part of the module that the diode is in? It doesnt look flat but a little bump? or is it a lense? Ive seen diagrams that show you can ad an IR filter by screwing one over adjusting lens at the tip of the pointer. Is screwing apart the module the only way to tell (other than having meter). Diagrams are very generic and dont help me much. Would anyone have a real pic of this IR filter?:thinking: Thank you

That lens with the little bump is an expander just prior to the collimation lens. Most cheap laser pointers don't have IR filters, if they do, it will be flat on both sides. I suppose a collimation lens could be made to filter IR too, just haven't seen one yet.
Here is a diagram of a typical high quality pen with IR filter and it's DPSS 532nm module diagram here showing one that has an IR filter: Laser pointers and quantum mechanics | Labrigger

The IR filter is just a thin 1mm glass wafer behind the aperture----here are a few oin ebay 1pc Coated Glass IR Filter Lens High Transmittance for 532nm Green Laser Diode | eBay hee is a image of the same thing but sold by O-Like 808nm,1064nm IR filter [OL-FL] - $3.50 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

Here is video of what one guy did to add an IR filter to a pen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pghJrvIgtYw

Here is a video of guy testing for IR by blocking the green with a piece of photograpihic negative film strip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MBvZAd1L8s

Really you should use the search function of LPM and of Google to find these types of answers---easy to find instead of crying helpless and hoping someone else will do the job and spoon feed you the answers and links.
Like I said all the diagrams are generic, the majority of them differ, one showed a IR filter way before the exit lens, I appreciate the sights but believe me I saw 3 out of the 4 and I mentioned that they seem to put the IR filter at the tip of the pen, but I was wanting to know if thats the only way with the pen types. Ive taken apart 2 of my working ones and 2 broken to learn, and no way im opening up my optotronics pen,which I know has one but ive looked down the tip with a flashlight and magnifying glass. Everyone I go to the sights but alot of them are just simmular. At least the lens I thought was the IR now I know is called the expander, the diagrams dont do it justice. Im trying to find a sight with real pics of a dissasembled module As allways thanks every
Like I said all the diagrams are generic, the majority of them differ, one showed a IR filter way before the exit lens, I appreciate the sights but believe me I saw 3 out of the 4 and I mentioned that they seem to put the IR filter at the tip of the pen, but I was wanting to know if thats the only way with the pen types. Ive taken apart 2 of my working ones and 2 broken to learn, and no way im opening up my optotronics pen,which I know has one but ive looked down the tip with a flashlight and magnifying glass. Everyone I go to the sights but alot of them are just simmular. At least the lens I thought was the IR now I know is called the expander, the diagrams dont do it justice. Im trying to find a sight with real pics of a dissasembled module As allways thanks every

What is it you actually want to know and why?

Are you saying you want to know where in a $3 532nm pen an IR filter is not included or provided-- as if there is place for one in designs that do not have an IR filter?

An IR filter is located at the end of the light producing chain of parts so it can separate the 532nm from the 808nm and 1064nm IR. as a last step.
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Im asking all of the above for the most part. I have a bad habit of not asking the right way I guess. I realize ebay cheapies 99% wont have an IR filter Of the modules ive taken apart some of the diagrams dont show the right shape of lenses,expander etc,that is why ive been trying to find real pics. Ive made a mountain out of a mole hill on this thread, At some point when I have the right tools I would like to experment so just trying to learn. I do read the threads an google but i like to double check with you vets. Forgive me and thanks
I think you are SOL ---you will have to make your own real pics/photos and diagram after you take apart the real thing which you have and is better than any pics or diagrams anyway.

Is not something that would be generally available except to the manufacturer --- they are not lasers people repair-- they are throw away and buy a new one if it breaks.

This is as good as it gets on images https://www.google.com/search?q=photo+of+green+laser+pen+module&biw=1254&bih=512&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=yLWaVYfuF4P3-QHt5YOQBQ&ved=0CDYQ7Ak#tbm=isch&q=photo+of+green+laser+pen+module+disassembled
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wow I really really scrolled even had anote pad so I wouldnt go back to allready seen sight. This one is great some how I missed Thanks:yh: Peter
