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FrozenGate by Avery

Info on the Laser 303 532nm λ

Mar 27, 2016
I have bought this laser (hasn't arrived yet): Military 532nm 5mW 303 Green Laser Pointer Lazer Pen Burning Beam 18650 Charger | eBay

I do not have a device to measure the power of it, so I do not actually know it. It does say ">200mW". It's obviously under 200mW, but I don't know the real power of it. It is a 532nm wavelength and can light matches/burn cheap, black plastic. I don't know if this matters, but it is focus able. I just want to know the exact power it has (usually).

Usually anywhere from 50-150mw. They get the job done for the price. They don't have an IR filter tho, to protect that overflow or IR.
Expect 50-150mw of green and ~50 mw of IR. Be careful as those 303 lasers are very capable of causing eye damage. I recommend you get some safety goggles if you intent on burning with it.
I basically agree with the output assessment but all we can offer is a 1000 guesses without an actual measurement. I could probaby come decently close at guessing the output of a 532nm under 150mW if it was at my house under lighting conditions I'm familiar with BUT that could still be WAY off due to the IR content which could be 10% to 90% more when actually measured with an lpm. S33n that question asked a million times it seems and its always the same answer. No way of knowing without an actual measurement. You can't get around it. Sorry but saying "you just want to know the exact power it has (usually)" isn't a reasonable question. At least have to drop out "exact" from the question;)
If you want it measured you either have to buy it with a power certificate if that is offered or send it to someone which will cost you shipping both ways and for that much you could buy another one. If you really get into this hobby you won't be able to live without an lpm.
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Really?! I would have guessed between 40mW and maybe 80mW. I have measured a few of these and never saw one come close to 150mW.
Lol I thought this was going to be a spectro of a 303.

Anyway, it's really a hit or miss with the 303s. I've had some that were extremely bright, and others that hardly put out any green at all. It's typically a good idea to order a few at a time.
if u want exact power u need either buy a laser from a trusted company or buy an lpm and measure yourself, guessing powers on those 303 is pointless.
