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FrozenGate by Avery

Importing Laser Diodes to Australia

I'm not an expert on this but I don't think so. It's only for completed handheld lasers.
Just don't advertise "laser" all over the package and you should be fine ;)
correct, the restriction is against laser 'pointers' only. You can import complete lab lasers and modules, but nothing that is portable and ready to use out of the box.
Just letting you know i'm within australia and carry most types of diodes. Gimme a pm if interested.
All non-pointer lasers are legal to own and import in Aus :)

However, as soon as you build that diode into a host with inboard batteries, it becomes a firearm.

WA is a bit different, they do have laws regarding modules and shows, so make sure to look into that if you live in WA.
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