falchionsmight said:Daedal, I forgot to mention that in my photo my LD was lasing. I had it at about 180 mA in that one. It melted eletric tape when I held it in front of the diode. Is there any way to regulate the voltage going to the diode? My circuit keeps putting out about 4 V when I'm using 4 NiMh batteries as the power source... I could be wrong about that, but I know it's been higher than the prefered 3 volts.
Try taking one of the batteries out and see what happens. Also, test the output of the batteries. The LM317, at least with me, seems to work fine with a much lower dropout voltage. IF you take out one of the batteries and it still works, you can keep it working that way, but still test the diode to see what it's getting. Also, considering how odd this diode is, don't be surprised if it operates at that higher voltage normally.
I wish I could offer everyone a variable voltage/current power supply. Although a bit pricey, these things have helped me figure out the specs on damn near everything! Especially when they're regulated enough to where you can trust an LD to them! The only thing I haven't been able to do is the output vs. input plot. I don't have a power meter and once I get one you can expect to start seeing graphs for everything! LOL ;D