I could see having two copters and mounting a ~30mw ir laser on each one controlled by a button on the controller, and then on each copter put 4 ir sensors on it in the front back left and right. The ir laser would be unfocused to about 3ft spot at 20ft and if your copter get shot maybe 5 times by the other copter you engine speed slowly cuts off so you "crash" safely. Maybe add in a little rotation so it looks more like a crash.
These things are hard enough to fly the way they are with out having something that would cut power of any kind or even add rotation. I just had a small screw come out of one of the pitch control arms and it was one hell of ride. Thank god it landed in tall grass and did minimal damage. Still cost $38 for parts!
I doubt it, I installed a larger battery in it and was trying to see how long it fly, but if you notice in the pic it is missing the rotor blades. My dog (dogzilla) decided it was something to eat and grabe it out of the air, the replacements are on the way. How much would a mini module weigh? (equvilant to a quarter?)
What i was trying to find were the very small ~3mm APC modules i had seen on ebay a while back. In the picture it was beside a pencil and it wasn't twice the diameter of the pencils lead. i dont know itf they will be back up but they were awesome and not very expensive.
You wouldn't be able to use that, too much weight, since you would also need a heat sink and you would have to add a power supply for it. The current fly time on my micro is 3 to 5 minutes and the battery is very small.
That the first time I have seen a green diode. I am a little suspicious since there is no information.
And that isnt even the smallest one! just seen they have a new 3.3mm one (^^ 4mm).
Driver is built in. It is also already focused. Only comes in red though.