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FrozenGate by Avery

I need help opening this laser


New member
Jun 11, 2022
Hi guys i am new here and i got this cheap 303 laser , i wanted to open it to expose the module and see if i can play around with it but i found myself with this issue : i don't know how to open this type of laser, i am now posting photo to see if anyone can help me open it. IMG_20220610_211034714_HDR~2.jpg

What you see in your pic is a concave lens glued to a brass disc that holds the KTP/YV04 crystal which is also glued to the base that holds an 808nm pump laser diode, if you were to remove the brass disc holding the crystal then you would have an invisible 808nm laser diode with no lens, so unless you know what your doing with 808nm laser diodes then there is no need to remove the crystal and there is no " module " per se, just an 808nm pump laser diode in a sink with the crystal and expanding lens glued in place.

Deleted your other thread. Duplicate threads are not allowed. I also moved your thread to the appropriate section
Look at the pictures that Red Cowboy posted. The "module" in these types of lasers is "pressed" into the host. There is nowhere to "open" it. You can **sometimes** grasp the end and wiggle it free, but you run the risk of messing up the alignment or simply breaking it. You usually CANNOT press it out because you would crush the driver.
