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FrozenGate by Avery

I need help, i may have been scammed

Feb 1, 2014
Im relatively new to this forum but i have had previous experience with lasers before.
Now, i think i may have made a huge mistake in buying this laser.
Free shipping guaranteed 100% 500mw high power green laser pointer TD GP 103 with safety key-in Consumer Electronics on Aliexpress.com

The seller is Lasertd. I was wondering if anyone has bought this laser or has bought anything from this company.
Please help, i have been reading some of the other threads about websites similar to this one being scammers.
Thanks for your time :cryyy:

Well 99.9% sure it will not be 500mw for that price. So as far as that goes, I'm calling scam. As far as them guaranteeing delivery, I can't vouch for as I don't know the seller.

Range 10,000
Power 200-500mw. That's your clue that they know nothing of what they are trying to advertise.
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thanks for the fast reply. I think i may just have to try and cancel my order. (if they would respond to my emails that is)
Try to cancel it from your end. Paypal or whatever method you used.

I would recommend laserbtb for a very nice laser at great prices. You won't have to worry one bit about them. Their lasers are always overspec.
