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FrozenGate by Avery

I hate the news...

maxkillz said:
At the end of this video they make it seem like all green lasers are super dangerous and all of them can burn things, at least thats what I feel the unenlightened think when watching this video  :-/


I think it's a core from WL......  

Banning lasers is like banning idiots, It doesn't work.

Oh yea I think that kid should be in jail for atleast 25 years.

(puts up flame shelid)

laserwanabe said:
who sits in there back yard and shines lasers at heli-choppers honestly, its ridiculous.

People love to track things with their lasers, I had a few astronomer buddies that pans the sky with their lasers pointing out moving satellites and sometimes birds for anyone around thats watching or seems acutely interested in astronomy. It takes one knucklehead to ruin everything because he can't identify what he is pointing at >:(
