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I got a laser in my eyes 9 years ago

It's like this: Remember when you were told to not run with scissors as you could poke your eye out or someone elses? Same thing. It's one of those things where it can go detrimentally wrong. It's something you don't take lightly as an idle warning. It's very serious and should be thought of as such because the damages are severe and permanent.
Nowadays we can make multiwatt little pointers and those WILL do damage so don't judge by size.

I would not be surprised to find similar posts with similar links attached on other forums. For example: a bicycling forum with a post about how cycling damages your knees, or a quilting forum with a post about how knitting causes arthritis. Just sign up for the site in the link to read the whole article. Further, I would not be surprised if the check-out scanner guy just changed his name.
I really really try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but fool me once...
