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FrozenGate by Avery

I Am Not A Smart Man

Mar 18, 2014
This is my story of lasers.

If you can, answer the questions honestly. You don't need to tell me go to a doctor. I've been to an opt, this is the internet, just looking for peoples opinions.

2 years ago I purchased this laser:

100mW Double Heads Green Laser Light Pro Show System DMX for DJ Disco Party Club | eBay

50mW+50mW@532nm, Double Green DPSS laser.

I did not know anything about lasers and just thought that it was a light. The lasers would hit me in the eyes for hours and sometimes i would look in the lasers from a foot or two away. (smart)

Permanent eye symptoms-
-Visual Snow
-Light sensitivity
-Blue and yellow are kind of reversed in one eye
-Lightening flashes in peripherals
-Lightening flashes if blue and yellow bars are next to each other
-After images

Then I bought this one.
500mW Double Lens Red Blue DMX Laser Light Lighting DJ Party Bar | eBay

300mw Blue laser(450nm),200mw red laser(650nm)
But never set it up.

This is in a room, by myself, with no other people. no windows. I'm not asking to be lectured on variance licensing.

The questions:

These Chinese Shinp Lasers

Laser Questions:
Has anyone tested the actual power?
Do you believe that they are equal to the power they say?

Safety Questions:

If i set up the new one:
Is it safe aslong as the beams do not directly hit my eyes or skin?
Is that a powerful enough range to worry about reflections?

Thanks for any opinions/input.

Also, feel free to ask my anything about my eye experience.

For your questions:

Each laser unit will vary, so they could be under or overspec. However when you're talking about eye damage, it really doesn't take much, so it's pretty irrelevant.

With all laser shows, the absolute best way to use them, unless you've got the ability to do attenuation mapping, is over your head. I think the standard is 3 metres or so, but as long as it clears your head, it's fine. Having any lasers at eye level is just asking for trouble as you've found out. 500mW in terms of reflections, only really mirrors/glass I'd worry about.
Hi Things, I moved it to the safety area but I wanted to say that I appreciate your answer and im going to copy and past it into the other thread
I deleted the other thread and moved Things' response into this thread so that it wouldn't be lost. :)
