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FrozenGate by Avery

I am looking for a 2 watt blue laser

Aug 10, 2011
I am looking to invest in a two watt blue laser perhaps from survivallasers but if there are any other suggestions.

dtr sells some every now and then. if you want a high quality 445, get him to build you one :p
I am looking to invest in a two watt blue laser perhaps from survivallasers but if there are any other suggestions.

Invest? What's the rate of return on that? Maybe I should look into this...
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I sent you a PM about a 2 Watt DTR MDXL unit that is brand new.

I had purchased it for a purpose, but don't need it now.

It is a MONSTER 445!:gun:
I went ahead and sent some photos of the laser with your username and date showing on a piece of paper.

The couple times I tested it for short few second runs started everything on fire I pointed it at and at quite a distance. A book of matches burst in flames as soon as the beam made contact with them. White paper for my printer took maybe 5 seconds to ignite and that was from at least 5 feet away...maybe more:drool:

I just put a burn spot on the molding in the bathroom taking photos for you. I thought the beam would look better in the dark:whistle:


Read to the END of the FREAKING thread will you? Or look at the date of the OP.
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