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how to clean laser diode??


New member
Mar 20, 2020
just received a 450nm laser in the mail today and after fiddling around with it and removing the lense, i noticed the laser point was very blurry. i’ve tried cleaning the diode with a microfiber cloth and that has helped a little but there is still particles or something on the diode. any help or suggestions?

It the problem exists on the diode's window it is likely burned into it can may not be possible to remove it. That would leave you with having to remove the window. But, it has been found that these blue diodes deteriorate when decanned or the emitter is open to the air. Maybe the problem exists with the lens. Why would you remove it? Without knowing which laser you have it is impossible to give a better response than this.
I clean all my diodes / optics with cheap cotton swaps and isopropanol or ethanol.

Dont reuse the swaps, only touch the optics one time with each swap- Otherwise it could scratch the optics because the swap has incorporated the dirt you are trying to remove.

Hope this helps
Can you share the raw output?

Also to add to the above, be careful using swabs so that you don't get ones that use some sort of adhesive to keep the cotton on. This will ruin the optics.

I've had consistent luck cleaning with a plastic or wooden toothpick and microfiber cloth.
The diode window can not be cleaned, whatever dust gets on there will get burned on permanently. For external optics, you can use some compressed air/keyboard cleaner and a lens cloth with a bit of alcohol.
Following!this seems like a very interesting thread
Following!this seems like a very interesting thread
No!? Really??? Thanks for letting everyone know of your completely redundant and pointless spam to up your post count, future Keto a$$hat.
