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FrozenGate by Avery

How do I fix this??

Jul 14, 2015
I have a green laser that is <250mW. The back has a little key on it that allows u to screw the back off and change batteries. So i screwed the back off and then back on and it wouldnt work. At first i thought it was a bad size 18650 3.7 V li-ion battery but i got a new one and it still wont work i dont understand.ive changed position and everything.
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Is the new one charged? Does it have a button top? Where did you get the laser from? Is it a laser 301 or 303?
Hi Chicago Baller,

Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear about your laser :(
How long have you had this laser and was it working okay before that?
Do you have a MM to check your battery charger and the batteries to make sure they are okay? If not try the batteries in another item that uses those sized batteries.
Did you look down in the battery tube to make sure nothing has moved or shorting out?
Is the key just to unscrew the end cap or also a safety device so if the key is removed the laser will not work?
Can you post pictures of the laser together and then apart please?
I have a green laser that is <250mW. The back has a little key on it that allows u to screw the back off and change batteries. So i screwed the back off and then back on and it wouldnt work. At first i thought it was a bad size 18650 3.7 V li-ion battery but i got a new one and it still wont work i dont understand.ive changed position and everything.

What does that mean, you "changed position"?

If you flipped the battery around to incorrect orientation and tried turning on the laser, there's a good chance you fried either the driver electronics or the laser diode.
Yeah I was thinking about bypassing the end cap also but was hoping that it is a safety key style end cap and they just didn't realize it.
That is why pictures would be nice ... or even a reply :/
