I understand that I should be careful, and I always try to be. But, I don't want to have to wear safety goggles, as the laser is mainly just to show off to friends. I have a diffraction cap that makes a large array of dots that I project on my ceiling, and after a while I hurts my eyes to look at. Is this normal, or would a lower power laser be different? Also, if the laser did manage to reflect back into my eye, would damage be caused before I could shut my eyelid? I love shining the laser onto random objects to see their illumination, so I would assume there is a chance that it could reflect back into my eyes.
That said, I know I SHOULD wear goggles, but I would rather buy a safer laser than goggles. Since I would need to buy and carry around multiple goggles just to show off the laser, it would kind of defeat my purpose.