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FrozenGate by Avery

homemade driver

You know what, I was thinking something like this:
Kind of the same thing but with less wires. ;D


Ok man good luck with your laser, just make shure you post lots of pics and videos when you're done with it. ;D ;D
The only thing I noticed is that you soldered the wire coming from the ADJ of the LM317 between the diode and the capacitor, I don't know why but I don't think it's supposed to go that way since that's not how it's shown in the schematic. It's supposed to go between the resistors and the diode.
Here's a pic:


  • clip_image002.jpg
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Heh, cool diagram with the pics of the parts. That should help peeps out..
lasercricker said:
ok right on, even with rechargeables? that adds up to 7.2v total.

The nominal voltage of a rechargeable nimh is 1.2 volts. The battery will slowly discharge from 1.2 volts, to its recommended discharge voltage which is between .9 and 1 volt. You really should not let the batteries go any lower if you want to get the longest life from them. The laser will run a good while pulling 250ma's from a 6 cell AAA nimh pack.
k i have the whole thing assembled, and its completely AWESOME! it burns like nothing else! only thing is, it could be better. somehow, my aixiz lens got slightly scratched and its making some unwanted artifacts around my laser dot on the wall. does anyone have any suggestions as to how i should go about removing these dreaded scratches? they are not very deep, and im using a plastic lens.
