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FrozenGate by Avery

Home made lasers?

Sep 28, 2007
I have a old CD player that I no longer use, I have seen people make their own lasers from DVD lasers but would a CD laser be powerful enough to do this?

a CD laser puts out light in a wavelength that isn't visible to humans.

Simple answer is no, but you could do it if you rly wanted to but it won't be powerful and you cant see it (barely)...

PM SenKat and see if he has any DVD diodes left over, he sells them for 17.50, and they're brand new (not out of dvd players)
Well I have read about 52x cd burners having anywhere from 80 to 150mw IR diodes in them. They are almost inviable and not something you should use for your first DIY laser.

And yes, PM SenKat to see if he has any left. He is no longer doing group buys and this may be you last chance to get an unused diode for a DIY.
Greenie said:
 He is no longer doing group buys and this may be you last chance to get an unused diode for a DIY.
ummm actually i think he still is! ;)
A player will have less than 5mW of 780nm light - nothing to see there (no pun intended)
