+rep when i can thanks all, that a nice purchase alaskan maybe in the future the Ir laser will be like 405nm's in distance

i wonder if birds can see IR laser !. anyway has anyone try this if you have a friend and the ask you to try the laser before giving tame the real laser give tame an empty host and after the click 1/or 2 times the 3 time the will look right in the diode to see why its not turning on i tested it on a friend he ask if he can test my laser i told him yes so i gave him an empty host then he click the on button nothing and instant he started look in the empty hosts ware the diode would be, i told him you can never do this what if the was a diode and it turned on,so i told him he can never touch me laser i wonder why do people instantly look at a laser if its not turning on its not like the eye is going to fix it by looking in to the diode !!