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FrozenGate by Avery

Hercules-450 for sale!! Make me an offer!

Sep 17, 2007
I have a 3 year old Hercules-450 laser. I got it because I called at the right time. This is the laser that sent WL into chaos!

When I got it it was graphed averaging over 450mW, but now operates at a little under 400. Less than an hour on the diode as I only used it for short pulses.

I can also have the laser tuned up by laserglow to make sure it's still in in great shape. Never been dropped, knocked, or heated. One of the stablest, best taken care of 400mW+ hercules lasers in the world. Uses the previous 2.0W diode.

It basically stayed in a clamp in a 65 degree room for a few years being used in short pulses every week. Very few scratches, a few dings on the sticker. Everything else is perfect except for the output which decreases steadily over time for most DPSS lasers, the hercules being one of the slowest to do so because of cooling.

Less than half what it would be retail.

I love it but I bought an RX-8 recently and I want a turbo for it.

Re: Hercules-450 for sale!! $1500 maybe lower :):)

What were you using it for? What were the short pulses for?
Re: Hercules-450 for sale!! $1500 maybe lower :):)

Hah, we tried to use it in a lab to look into the neural tissue of mice we were experimenting with. We were hoping we wouldn't have to request funding for a real laser... We knew just about nothing about lasers and it turned out that tiny variations in output power matter :( Damn beurocracy. Needless to say it really didn't work too well. So we got a grant and now we have a 5W Green pumping a Ti:sapphire laser which we can use to look an exciting 500nm into neural tissue.

After that it sat it a clamp in a lab for a while doing nothing, at which point I took it home and pointed it at the sky a few times.
Re: Hercules-450 for sale!! $1500 maybe lower :):)

Ah, okay. Interesting.

Good luck selling it :) You should add in the first post or even the thread title that it was used to zap mouse brains, you might get more interest ;D
Re: Hercules-450 for sale!! $1500 maybe lower :):)

You must be joking. Since when did nobody want a 400mW consistent amazing laser?

Back in the day 400mW was unheard of.

Back in the same day this baby was the most powerful handheld laser on ANY laser forum, just behind the 500mW unit laserglow sold the same day >:(

This is one of the old freak units. This is the laser in the video that sent WL on their massive paranoid communist banning spree.
Re: Hercules-450 for sale!! $1500 maybe lower :):)

Well, uh, you see you can get good 400mW units new for less than $1500 these days.

For example, RPL-400: http://www.optotronics.com/r-lithium-ion.php one of the best quality lasers out there. Easily on par with the herc.

And plus, $1500 is a lot of money to spend full stop. Not many people will have that lying around, and just happen to see a thread and decide to spend it all on a second hand laser.

You should try lowering the price a bit, you might get an offer then :)
Darn, I really have been out of touch for a while haven't I.

I guess I'm keeping it unless someone gives me a reasonable offer.
I'm just wondering for speculations (I couldn't afford one of these), but would $1000 be considered reasonable? I know it's a lot less then what you paid for it, but since you could get an RPL-400 for <$1500, it doesn't seem that unreasonable.
The RPL puts things in a whole different perspective.

I'll take 1,000 for it. Absolutely.
wow great price for a badd a$$ base ball bat sized laser wish I had a grand
but if i had a grand i would fill all my cars up with gas :P
Can we has pics of it in operation ::) Gotta love 'em 400mW herc pics .

